Spares and Accessories

Key Features

  • Full range of consumable items available for all Tungsten Grinders
  • Spares for all machines are available from stock
  • Machine refurbishment available for all machines. See our services section for further details.


We supply a vast range of tungsten grinder spares and accessories / consumables for our range of Tungsten Grinders. Most items are available from UK stock, including but not limited to:

Ultima-Tig Tunsgten grinder spares and accessories:

Grinding fluid (250ml)
Grinding fluid (5 Litre)
Sump bottle (filled with grinding fluid)
Grinding disc
Motor packing ring
U Wheel
Electrode clamps (all sizes)
Electrode holder (handle)
Guide for electrode holder
Tightening screw
Plastic inspection cover
Weather strip for inspection cover
Inspection cover frame
Elbow joint for tapping hose
Tapping hose
Rear seal
Angle adjust unit
Replacement motor (230V and 110V)
Replacement Control PCB
All screws and bolts
Plus much more

Neutrix Tunsgten grinder spares and accessories:

Grinding disc
Neutrix stand (for bench mounting)
Filter cassette
Electrode clamps (all sizes)
Electrode holder (handle)
Guide for electrode holder
Tightening screw
Plastic inspection cover
Grinding chamber
Screw for angle setting
Replacement motor (230V and 110V)
Eccentric plate
All screws and bolts
Plus much more

Neutra spares and accessories:

Grinding fluid (250ml)
Grinding fluid (5 Litre)
Grinding disc
Sump bottle (filled with grinding fluid)
Motor packing ring
Electrode clamps (all sizes)
Electrode holder (handle)
Side wall seal
Vertical slide
Plastic inspection cover
Weather strip for inspection cover
Inspection cover frame
U Wheel
Elbow joint for tapping hose
Tapping hose
Replacement motor (230V and 110V)
All screws and bolts
Plus much more

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